You Have 10 Stacks?? Lets Play Chess

If you have $10,000 you too can get your hands on this chess set. Now for ten of those thangs I would expect this set to do holographics and all, but hey a lil ceramic can be just as nice right?

Kiki de Montparnasse and aruliden have collaborated in the creation of a uniquely luxurious chess set that combines strategy and sensuality.

Thirty-two individual pieces with matte and gloss finishes hold court on a handmade walnut game board. The exquisite set is made of the highest quality materials and packaged with distinct elegance.

This set was designed and crafted for the purpose of playing chess.

Available exclusively at Kiki de Montparnasse


Nintendo Unveils The Wii U

Click the image for the full story…

Nintendo Set To Drop The Nintendo Wii 2!!!

There hasn’t been a new gaming console since the launch of the Wii and PlayStation 3 in November 2006. However, Microsoft has breathed new life into its console, the Xbox 360, thanks to the Kinect. The Wii, which has been best the best-selling console for years, is about to lose its first place position.

While Nintendo intends to respond to the Xbox threat by cutting the Wii’s price next month, it looks like the gaming company has another trick up its sleeve: a brand new HD console. According to Game Informer‘s sources, Nintendo plans to unveil a new console at the E3 conference in Los Angeles in June or potentially sooner. Read more of this post

We Could Have Fun With These


This could be a fantastic game to play after a few rounds of Three Olives. Fort Standard has created hand-crafted Balancing Blocks for $70 per set. Yeah it is a bit pricey, but you can step your Jenga game up with this!!

Read more of this post

Now You Can Play Foosball And Eat!!!


Price: $2800

The price is a lil hefty, but so are good tables!!!


Mogul Goodies…..The iCade

The iCade was created by Ion Audio in collaboration with Atari.

Mogul Goodies….1965 Ford Mustang Replica Pool Table


John Madden Day Is Here, And Guess What I am Doing????

Even the most casual gamer knows what today is. Even your grandma was probably posted at a Gamespot last night trying to one up the comp. That’s just how special today is. For those who don’t know this is National John Madden Day!!! And I have fell victim to the holiday also. Today Moguls you can probably count me out. I will be knee-deep in football instead of combing the web giving you that Fresh like I promised to. What can I say??? Sorry???

Can you blame me??

Jordan Is Coming To 2K11

I haven’t bought a NBA game in a few years. In my opinion they just weren’t realistic enough. BUT, with the GOAT coming to 2K11 how can I pass this up? I will be there opening day and will be busting ass by dinner time!!!!!

If You Don’t Know The World Cup…

…then You Don’t Know Sports

If you’re like me…then at times you can be more Urban than Mogul.  In order to be a true Urban Mogul…you’ve got to be able to expand your horizons.  Up until the last World Cup Tourny in 2006…I was one of the many self-proclaimed sports fans that had NO I-D-E-A!  After watching a couple of matches, interviews, and broadcasts from other countries…I finally realized…this …this is sport.

Don’t misunderstand, I love the NBA, Track and Field, and would consider the world a lesser place without the NFL 😦 …but the World Cup, is truly something different.  It’s not the best in the U.S. claiming self-righteous world titles..this is the WORLD.  It’s an opportunity for nations that are rarely in the headlines, are not economic juggernauts, are not military super powers to come to the stage and do civilized battle on a chosen playing field with age-old rules.  It’s the time every four years when the best and brightest any nation has to offer steps up to do battle for God…and Country.  The battle is truly a physical test…but the heart…the heart makes it epic.  Every athlete is compelled to play their best, the pressure would crush lesser men…and women.  The hopes and dreams of every individual, from every country…rests on the shoulders of a group of athletes known as “footballers”.  If you enjoy those moments in sport when athletes are truly tested, if you revel in the human experience that is victory and defeat, if you’re inspired by the sight of individuals giving all they have so that their fans and countrymen can beat  their chests with pride and honor, if you love the drama and suspense that comes when millions…sometimes billions of hopes are on the line at once, if you want to feel the entire earth pulse…the FIFA 2010 World Cup is for you. Read more of this post